Software development outsourcing – a way to lower your costs
Outsourcing is considered one of the easiest ways to cut software development costs by many software houses around the world. Not having to hire full-time employees and paying developers only for the time they are actually working is certain to make the costs of a whole development process that much cheaper. How does it actually work and what should you remember once you decide to outsource software developers? Should you go for abroad, or stay in your home country?
Outsourcing allows you to cut out everything (especially when it comes to software development)
If you are wary of outsourcing and don’t see how it could actually cut costs of software development, consider the process of hiring a full-time employee. What does it entail? Payments for full working hours, even if the developer didn’t make any progress. Paying all benefits, salaries and overhead expenses. What’s more, the pool of candidates for a full-time job in software development is shrinking daily, thanks to other software houses that do decide to outsource. Developers alone see the potential of outsourcing and are keen to work freelance rather than staying employed by one software house.
Outsourcing, on the other hand, allows you to find developers worldwide, allowing you to obtain great talent for your project at a fraction of the price of actually hiring them. Getting a freelancer or outsourcing to offshore teams means that you can get them for one project only and once it’s finished, you can either outsource another project with them or just part ways. Simple as that. No costs for letting go an employee, no problematic employees that don’t want to be fired, no fuss – CEO of
How to avoid trouble when outsourcing projects
First of all, you must remember – looser ties with your team are beneficial for your finances, but can also leave an open window for fake or simply weak teams. Outsourcing an off-site developer, always remember to ask for a test project to determine if their skills are fit for your project and that your communication is clear and easy. Hiring the cheapest resource is not always the best idea and you shouldn’t treat outsourcing as a way of getting good software for free. Good freelancers can be expensive, but the end result is still worth it and cost-friendly in the long run.
Going off-shore means a wider pool of candidates to your team. You must remember though that if you decide to go outside the country, it’s easier and more beneficial for you to outsource the project to ready-made teams, not a group of individuals. Working in an international project is rewarding, but it also allows more miscommunication problems. A team hired in Poland will be much better than getting a developer from India working with a developer from China and trying to match to one standard. Each country develops software slightly differently and it’s you who should check which style fits you best. Coding languages might be the same everywhere, but the cultural differences are so easy to spot in your project. Don’t settle for worse when you could have the best and still cut costs.