Sublime Lightning
Sublime Technology is a well-known company from UK providing the best solutions in the lightning department.
Lightning technology has changed significantly during last few years. LED technology is proven to be not only ecological but also more resistant and durable than conventional bulbs. Investment in new LED technology will be paid back during first couple of years of using it. Choosing right lightning is also a crucial factor of redecorating your home. Whether you’re renovating your living room, kitchen, bathroom or bedroom, appropriate lightning system might have a huge impact on the final results.
Sublime Technology has more than 25 years experience in lightning industry, and we are sharing that knowledge with every individual customer to meet everyone’s specific needs. Find out for yourself that right angles, tint, and intensity does make a difference. Please visit our ‘contact’ page and give us a call.
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Address: PO Box 693, Farnham, Surrey, UK
Phone number: 0203 818 5888